no. 6 - På besøg hos Ulrikke Siva Toft Simonsen
På besøg hos Ulrikke Siva Toft Simonsen “Da jeg fik mit første barn, min datter Norma der er 2,5 år nu, lignende hun min mand på en prik. Jeg kan huske,...
no. 6 - På besøg hos Ulrikke Siva Toft Simonsen
På besøg hos Ulrikke Siva Toft Simonsen “Da jeg fik mit første barn, min datter Norma der er 2,5 år nu, lignende hun min mand på en prik. Jeg kan huske,...
no. 5 - På besøg hos Emma Faller
På besøg hos Emma Faller “I min graviditet gjorde jeg mig mange tanker om, hvordan jeg ville blive som mor. Jeg håbede så meget, at jeg ville kunne være mig...
no. 5 - På besøg hos Emma Faller
På besøg hos Emma Faller “I min graviditet gjorde jeg mig mange tanker om, hvordan jeg ville blive som mor. Jeg håbede så meget, at jeg ville kunne være mig...
no. 4 - Visiting Thea Sofie Munch
Visiting Thea Sofie Munch “My son is three months old. The other day, someone asked me if I felt back to normal yet. My answer was no. Motherhood has changed me...
no. 4 - Visiting Thea Sofie Munch
Visiting Thea Sofie Munch “My son is three months old. The other day, someone asked me if I felt back to normal yet. My answer was no. Motherhood has changed me...
no. 3 - Visiting Cecilie Hartmann
Visiting Cecilie Hartmann "Our daily routines have undergone significant changes since our daughter Ellie came into our lives. As she continues to grow, our routines are constantly shifting and adapting"...
no. 3 - Visiting Cecilie Hartmann
Visiting Cecilie Hartmann "Our daily routines have undergone significant changes since our daughter Ellie came into our lives. As she continues to grow, our routines are constantly shifting and adapting"...
no. 2 - Visiting Freja Bak Josias
Visiting Freja Bak Josias "It hasn't been easy for me to reflect on our everyday life. Probably mostly because I don't give it much thought. Both Magnus and I, much...
no. 2 - Visiting Freja Bak Josias
Visiting Freja Bak Josias "It hasn't been easy for me to reflect on our everyday life. Probably mostly because I don't give it much thought. Both Magnus and I, much...
no. 1 - Visiting Cecilie Stougaard
Visiting Cecilie Stougaard “It has been incredibly important to us to consider how we structure our everyday life and most of all, asking ourselves what we want rather than what...
no. 1 - Visiting Cecilie Stougaard
Visiting Cecilie Stougaard “It has been incredibly important to us to consider how we structure our everyday life and most of all, asking ourselves what we want rather than what...